+56 9 5863 8662


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Bernardo O’Higgins 167 Of. 603

Puerto Montt

+56 9 5863 8662

Communication, language and art

Hello friends and followers of the One Language blog. Once again, this virtual space gives us space to meet and continue sharing with you our ideas, thoughts, and tips. Above all, we hope to share what we are doing. As we always say, knowledge of a language is a way to transform and improve personally, socially, and professionally.

The month of March 2022 was a month full of new projects, changes, opportunities and growth. As an Institute, we had the opportunity to participate in the Aquasur fair, which was a tremendous learning experience. We met important actors from Región de Los Lagos, strengthening ties and communicating the importance of what we do. In addition to companies, we met with students, who told us how studying with us gave them more security when facing the new challenges that the return to normality is presenting.

But the month of March has already passed, and we are in the month of April, synonymous with autumn and great changes. It is also a time synonymous with new beginnings, which will lead us to materialize great projects that we work towards accomplishing on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, it will be an opportunity to materialize new alliances that will allow us to continue being agents of change and social transformation.

One Language Class

This new month opens as a great opportunity, and for the same reason, we want to focus on artistic expressions, and how this will also be included in the teaching process. We hope this will make this an even more dynamic and entertaining experience, giving free rein to the innate talents of all people- whether in singing, cooking or writing. In this way we will achieve a comprehensive and complete experience working to ensure that our activities reflect these aspects of our students, together with the teaching of English.

Dear friends, as you know, One Language is made up of a team of people who love what they do, who are always willing to go further in the challenges of everyday life, give the best of themselves, and make our students feel part of this community, where everyone has a place, where everyone can share their talents, amongst a welcoming and close community.

For this reason, we invite you to join us, in a community in which you can contribute with your ideas and commitment. We are always looking to improve for you, while also looking to help you be the best Version of You.

If you liked these words, we invite you to follow us on our social networks Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, in addition to visiting our website, where you can also evaluate your current level of English and perhaps be part of our great community.

Post Original: La comunicación, el lenguaje y las artes

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Communication, language and art

Hello friends and followers of the One Language blog. Once again, this virtual space gives us space to meet and continue sharing with you our

One language teacher zack

Zack Adventures in Chile

Bienvenidos amigos de blog de One Language, una vez más nos encontramos en este espacio virtual. Esta semana les traemos la traducción del blog anterior,


Seras rederigido al test de inglés. Cuando recibamos tus respuesta te contactaremos lo antes posibles.


to One Language

Te invitamos a ser parte de esta gran comunidad


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Instituto One Language
Hola soy Jessica, Directora de One Language. Feliz de contestar todas tus consultas. Welcome to One Language, we want the Best Version of You!