+56 9 5863 8662


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Bernardo O’Higgins 167 Of. 603

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+56 9 5863 8662

We challenge 2022

One language empresas

Hello «One Language» friends and followers of this blog: once again, we take advantage of this virtual meeting place to share opinions, comments, tips, and above all, tools that bring us closer to improving, knowing and learning English.

Previously, we dealt with different topics: we have dreamed of travelling, introduced our team members (we will continue to do so). We have told you about the benefits of English for children and how it has affected our lives; it has given us opportunities to expand our horizons in an increasingly globalized world. But thanks to technology, it is closer in terms of communication, so, it has become common for us to start a conversation in English.

One Language methodology, based 100 % on the communicative approach, has allowed us to develop an entertaining, innovative, dynamic and updated study program. We mix the learning process with workshops and activities, that allow us to put into practice the contents. 

One team english teachers

We are a team of people who are constantly improving, but not only our processes, but day by day we seek to enhance our role as professionals, so we gather around a series of values ​​that lead our behavior. Furthermore, we transmit our values to our students.  In fact, students are always on the first place along with mutual respect and respect for the environment. 

Honesty is present in everything we do. We also communicate directly what we carry out, giving our best to deliver the best teaching practices, innovating all the time and committed to our results. In addition, we are the Toefl Itp test center, which implies we can certify our students’ results and validate them. 

We are a group of highly involved, proactive people working as a team where all opinions are important and worth listening to. 

Above all, we work hard to always go further and we look for new ways to improve every day. We are always positive and we transmit it to those around us, we are also funny too. 

For the same reason, we share these values with you, with those who have already met us and with those who are about to meet us, too. We also face new challenges, and at the same time we have clear goals to achieve them. This 2022, we will have important news, new programs, but always with the same spirit, doing things the best way we can and loving what we do. 

If you want more information about “One Language”, do not forget to visit our website, social media like Facebook, Instragram and Linkedin or you may visit our offices. We will be pleased to help you, and remember that in “One Language,” we want the Best version of you. 

Original post :

te ayudamos a Alcanzar tus metas

Estudia inglés con nosotros y cumple las metas que simpre quisiste. Viaja por el mundo o postula a nuevas oportunidades laborales.



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¡Recuerda que estamos subiendo contenido nuevo todas las semanas!


Go on!

Te puede interesar

Communication, language and art

Hello friends and followers of the One Language blog. Once again, this virtual space gives us space to meet and continue sharing with you our

One language teacher zack

Zack Adventures in Chile

Bienvenidos amigos de blog de One Language, una vez más nos encontramos en este espacio virtual. Esta semana les traemos la traducción del blog anterior,


Seras rederigido al test de inglés. Cuando recibamos tus respuesta te contactaremos lo antes posibles.


to One Language

Te invitamos a ser parte de esta gran comunidad


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Quiero hablar con alguien
Instituto One Language
Hola soy Jessica, Directora de One Language. Feliz de contestar todas tus consultas. Welcome to One Language, we want the Best Version of You!